Phonetic Reading of the Character '去'

Animated Stroke Order of 去:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 去 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '去'

Radical:厶     Strokes:5

Pinyin & Definition:

to go/to leave/to remove/fourth tone of putonghua

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 去:
to go
to go to (a place)
to cause to go or send (sb)
去世to pass away
to die
去伪存真discard the false and retain the true
去光水nail polish remover
去其糟粕to remove the dross
to discard the dregs
去势to neuter
去取之间undecided between taking and leaving
去台to go to Taiwan
refers to those who left China for Taiwan before the founding of PRC in 1949
去台人员those who left China for Taiwan before the founding of PRC in 1949
去向the position of sth
去国外to go abroad
去垢absterge; detergence; antisludge
去垢性detergence; detergency
去声falling tone
fourth tone in modern Mandarin
去壳shelling; shucking; decanning; hull; decladding; peeling; shell; husking
去如黄鹤gone as the yellow crane