Phonetic Reading of the Character '化'

Animated Stroke Order of 化:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 化 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '化'

Radical:亻     Strokes:4

Pinyin & Definition:

huāvariant of 花
huàto make into/to change into/-ization/to ... -ize/to transform/abbr. for chemistry 化学

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 化:
variant of 花
化为乌有come to naught
化为泡影lit. to turn into soap bubbles
to come to nothing (idiom)
化为灰烬to turn to dust and ashes; to be reduced to ashes
化作to change into
to turn into
to become
化公为私transform the public to the private
化冻to defrost
化凶为吉to change the portentous into the propitious
化剑为犁to turn swords into plowshares; to beat swords into ploughshares
化募collect alms
化合chemical combination
化合价valence (chemistry)
化合反应combination reaction
化合物chemical compound
化合量combining weight
化名to use an alias
assumed name
化境sublimity; perfection
化外outside the pale of civilization
化妆to put on make-up
化妆台dresser; vanity