Phonetic Reading of the Character '凑'

Animated Stroke Order of 凑:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 凑 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '凑'

Radical:冫     Strokes:11

Pinyin & Definition:

còuassemble/put together/press near/come together

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 凑:
to gather together, pool or collect
to happen by chance
to move close to
凑份子to pool resources (for a gift, project etc)
凑凑合合make do with
凑合to bring together
to make do in a bad situation
to just get by
as chance has it
凑成to put together
to make up (a set)
to round up (a number to a convenient multiple)
凑手at hand
within easy reach
凑拢get closer
凑数to serve as a stopgap
to make up a shortfall in the number of people
凑整儿make up a round number
凑整数to make up a round number; to make up an even amount
凑热闹to butt in (an cause trouble)
to cause trouble
to join in the fun
凑热闹儿to take part in merriment; to help make merry add trouble to
凑趣儿join in just to please other; show a similar interest; make a joke about; poke fun at
凑足人数to gather together enough people; to get a quorum
凑近to approach
to lean close to
凑钱to raise enough money to do sth
to pool money
to club together (to do sth)
凑集scratch up
凑齐to collect all the bits to make a whole