Phonetic Reading of the Character '凌'

Animated Stroke Order of 凌:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 凌 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '凌'

Radical:冫     Strokes:10

Pinyin & Definition:

língencroach/soar/thick ice/surname Ling

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 凌:
surname Ling
凌乱不堪in a terrible mess (idiom)
凌乱无序confused and disordered
凌云Lingyun county in Baise 百色
凌云县Lingyun county in Baise 百色
凌云壮志a lofty aspiration
凌侮insult; humiliate
凌厉swift and fierce
凌夷to deteriorate
to decline
to slump
凌宵花 [Botany] Chinese trumpet creeper; Campsis grandiflora
see also 雷克薩斯|雷克萨斯
凌志美Laura Ling, US-Taiwanese woman journalist imprisoned as spy by North Korea in 2009
凌晨very early in the morning
in the wee hours
凌暴To attack violently
凌杂in disorder
凌杂米盐disordered and fragmentary
凌汛ice-jam flood (arising when river downstream freezes more than upstream)