Phonetic Reading of the Character '冻'

Animated Stroke Order of 冻:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 冻 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '冻'

Radical:冫     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:

dòngto freeze

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 冻:
to freeze
to feel very cold
aspic or jelly
冻伤frostbite; nip; chimatlon; cold injury; freezing injury; frostnip
冻僵numbness; frozen stiff; obtain
冻凝congelation; winterization
冻原cold desert; tundra; xerophorbium; crymic
冻土frozen earth
冻土地带[Geology] tundra
冻土学cryopedology; cyopedology; permafrostology; geochryology
layer of frozen soil
冻坏frost damage
冻害frozen injury; winter injury; freezing injury; freezing period; freeze injury; freezen damage; winter killing; freezing season; frost-injury; freezing damage; cold injury; frost damage
冻容youth freezing, Chinese girls beginning anti-ageing treatments as young as two years old in the hope they will never look old
冻干freeze-dry; freeze out; lyophilize; freeze drying; lyopilization; lyophilization; freeze dehydration; cryodesiccation
冻得颤抖to shiver with cold
冻死to freeze to death
to die off in winter
冻疮chilblain; kibe; frostbite; chilblains; pernio; chimatlon; perfrigeration; bugantia; frostnip