Phonetic Reading of the Character '八'

Animated Stroke Order of 八:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 八 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '八'

Radical:八     Strokes:2

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 八:
八一五15th August
refers to Japanese surrender in WWII on 15th August 1945
八一建军节Army Day
八万大藏经Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in Haeinsa 海印寺
八九不离十pretty close
very near
about right
八二三炮战bombardment of Kinmen by PRC forces that started August 23rd 1958, also called second Taiwan strait crisis
八仙the Eight Immortals
八仙桌old fashioned square table to seat eight people
八仙过海The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea
八价元素[Chemistry] octad
八价的octavalent; octivalent; octovalent; octad
八会穴the Eight Strategic Nerve Points
八位元8-bit (computing)
八佰伴Yaohan retail group
八倍octuple; eightfold
八倍的octuple; eightfold; tetradidymous
八八六Bye bye! (in chat room and text messages)
八公山Bagongshan district of Huainan city 淮南市
八公山区Bagongshan district of Huainan city 淮南市