Phonetic Reading of the Character '仰'

Animated Stroke Order of 仰:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 仰 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '仰'

Radical:亻     Strokes:6

Pinyin & Definition:

yǎngto look up/surname Yang

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 仰:
surname Yang
仰人鼻息to rely on others for the air one breathes (idiom); to depend on sb's whim for one's living
仰仗to rely on
to depend on
仰仗权威to rely on powerful relatives
仰俯之间between looking up and stooping down
仰光Yangon (Rangoon), main city of south Myanmar (Burma), the national capital until November 2005, when the capital moved to Naypyidaw 内比都 or Pyinmana 彬馬那 彬马那
仰光大金塔Great Pagoda of Yangon (Rangoon)
仰八叉on one's back
仰卧to lie supine
仰卧的supine; resupine; humifuse
仰卧起坐sit-up (physical exercise)
仰天to face upwards
to look up to the sky
仰天长叹to sigh deeply; to look up at heaven and lament
仰天长啸to cry into the air
仰头To raise one's head.
仰屋to lie looking at the ceiling (in despair)
仰屋兴叹to stare at the ceiling in despair
to find no way out
nothing you can do about it
仰屋著书lit. to stare at the ceiling while writing a book (idiom); to put one's whole body and soul into a book
仰开桥bascule bridge
仰式backstroke; back stroke