Phonetic Reading of the Character '以'

Animated Stroke Order of 以:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 以 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '以'

Radical:人     Strokes:4

Pinyin & Definition:

abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]
to use/according to/so as to/in order to/by/with/because

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 以:
abbr. for Israel 以色列
以…为…take … as
以一当十pit one against tenEvery man is worth ten
以一驭万to control a key point is to be master of the situation (idiom)
以上more than
以东to the east of (suffix)
以丰养廉foster clean government by giving better pay to civil servants
以丰补歉subsidize shortfall with bumper harvest; have high yield areas help low yield areas
以为to believe
to think
to consider
以人名命名to name sth after a person
named after
以人废言to reject a word because of the speaker (idiom, from Analects); to judge on preference between advisers rather than the merits of the case
以亿计to number in the thousands
以便so that
so as to
in order to
以债养债debt nurtures more debt (idiom)
以假乱真mix the false with the genuine
以偏概全take a part for the whole
以儆效尤as a warning to others; to warn others against following a wrong-doer